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02/14 02:00

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02/10 12:41

The High-Tech in Australia and Stock

01/26 04:49
Australia; the fortunate country. we are fortunate because we have a bajillion million tonnes of natural resources that just cannot wait around to be wow gold ripped out in the ground, to be turned into steel, to be sold to China, only to be sold back again to us as affordable bullshit in low cost shops throughout the country. Yes, we are lucky—but for each unit of luckiness we have, we've obtained about 10 models of stupidity. For example, we have more sunshine than any other continent on earth—there's so much potential energy that could be harvested using a touch of believed and difficult carry out (photovoltaic tissue just aren't efficient enough), yet our governments pander to coal lobbyists and pour bucks into brown coal energy stations. As far as I can see, very little effort is placed into methods to make use in the most abundant type of energy there is—sunlight!

A science lesson
Meanwhile, true thinkers, not of the nation, have been functioning on alternative pv tech that could revolutionise the planet of energy production. In the journal Science, researchers from Switzerland and the united states have released their investigation over a pv "flux capacitor" of sorts.

At the center in the prototype device is is normally a rare earth metal called cerium oxide, or as we know it in the hood—ceria. Ceria offers off oxygen as it is heated and absorbs it when it cools. The sun's rays are concentrated on the chamber that contains the ceria which, as it cools, removes the oxygen from the water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) leaving behind hydrogen and carbon monoxide—both of which can be used as fuel—that is saved later on use. The advantage this new technology will have greater than photovoltaic tissue could be the fact how the fuel is saved far more efficiently as a fluid than energy in a battery.

Then obviously (I'm guessing), as the ceria is reheated in this process, it will let off all that marvelous oxygen. utilizing and abusing energy could never be more sustainable!

It's not perfect—yet
The method is nonetheless rather inefficient using a great quantity of thermal heat-loss from the walls in the flux capacitor itself. world of warcraft But researchers are good that with more investigation the method can be produced viable. So as these brilliant researchers beaver apart with experimental tech, we are happily riding the resources wave singing I nonetheless telephone call Australia Home and mumbling "she'll be right, cobber digger."
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